Structured prediction for the summarisation and alignment of videos

Structured prediction for the summarisation and alignment of videos

In this talk, I present two approaches for the automated summarisation and the automated alignment of videos based on structured prediction. The first approach aims to summarise an action video by a selection of its frames while simultaneously recognising its main action. The second approach aims to find the best alignment of two given videos and can be used as a generalised distance for video classification. Both approaches are similar in spirit and leverage structured prediction and the structural SVM framework for inference and for training. Potentially, they could be coupled with deep learning layers to capture the best of both worlds.

Prof. Massimo Piccardi – University of Technology Sydney (Australia)

Massimo Piccardi (M.Eng., 1991, Ph.D. Bologna, 1995) is a professor at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) where he serves as a discipline leader for the School of Electrical and Data Engineering and as a program leader for the Global Big Data Technology Centre, a University-supported task force in communications and big data analytics. His main research areas are computer vision, multimedia, machine learning, and, more recently, natural language processing. Prof. Piccardi has published over a hundred and fifty papers to date, is a Senior Member of the IEEE and serves as an Associate Editor for journal “Computer Vision and Image Understanding.